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The Two Types of Ideal Customers

Updated: May 26, 2021

Fantastic customers and why they buy.

Hello, everyone. Join me on this episode of the virtual entrepreneur. If you're new to this podcast. Welcome. I am your host, Herbert innocent, and today we are talking about.

The first step we need to understand before we can go about finding our ideal customer. So the theme for this week's episodes is going to be finding that fantastic ideal customer.

Right. So last week we had a lot of guests, and we focused a lot on understanding our customer avatar. Before we can go about finding them. So we talked about customer avatar. And we talked about their demographic the psychographics. And we also touch a little bit into why they buy, you know, we talked about their hopes and dreams. Right and we personalise them and we tried to make them as real as possible, and if it comes to creating content, we had a process which is called today's bills day was Bill is our ideal customer.

And we try to evaluate how his day was today in relation to his business and the problem that we're trying to help him. Right, so if you haven't heard on that episode you can go and listen to those episodes, so the entire was last week we focused on your ideal customer. And then we had an interview with DG Sibongile where DG talked about, you know, learning from our failures as intrapreneurs, right, and then when. And then when we start succeeding start learning from our successes.

Right. And so, he talked about the idea that attention is the most important thing from our customers. And because that is the case today in a world where there's so much media there's so much content information is not lacking anymore, but clarity in all of this noise has become the key thing that we really really strive and are looking for. Right. And so if you haven't heard of DJs talk, where he teaches intrapreneurs how to build businesses around their passion. This DJ has been helping a lot of entrepreneurs do that.

So I'd recommend to listen to his podcast in droves in a lot of value in terms of how he got started and if he was to start again, the things that he would do differently.

And I think that is a powerful message for you and me my friend and the reason why I believe that is very powerful, is because the entirety of all this show. This episode past episode, and all the future episodes are going to be recorded with one key focus in mind. And that is, how could we make it successful, how could we learn from people who have done it so we can avoid, you know, the mistakes that they did we can see them and avoid them. And that way we can progress faster. We are trying to model what works.

Right. And so, DJ talked a lot about learning from failures and when he says succeeding or learning from our successes. So I recommend his talk to highlight some of those key concepts. And then the other thing was we had a guest, David Miller, and David talked about protecting your business and building value into your bill into business. So David himself comes from IP law trademark background.

He has built his own business and turned them into very successful multiple figures. I think it was a little bit over seven or eight figures I remember which value was it, so he knows what he's doing and he works with entrepreneurs and startups, doing that. And so, he talked a lot about protecting businesses and building brand and value.

But one of the few things that kept you know knocking at the back of my head was the idea that, yes, we need to protect our businesses, legally, but also, if you are a virtual entrepreneur your business is Muslim, mostly going to be online, being able to protect your business online is very important. Right, and also being able to protect your business offline is also very important. So when it comes to your data. Do you have a backup line for your data, right, because when your computer crashes down.

The last thing you want is to say, there goes my business. Because sometimes, something happens, and your hard drives or whatever is goes wrong, and your computer just goes silent. And if you are not able to recover that data that's a huge loss. So make sure that you know, we have all those backup systems so being able to protect your business online and offline is very, very important for us virtual entrepreneurs, and then we had another guest, Julia, Baldwin Taylor, Julia, came from a background where, you know, after a very traumatic experience. She learned to build a business transforming it, so that she can live more, a life of adventure, while doing what she loves.

And so she helps intrapreneurs do that. And one of the things that she talked about a lot was outsourcing, right, and working smart, so that you are doing, actions, and actions that bring you result.

And one of the things that I have noticed from a lot of entrepreneurs is that, because we love to build businesses. Sometimes, we love to build other things and our backgrounds comes from being able to build other things. For example, my background is in building products I've bought a lot of physical gadgets, electronics, like electronics, electrical engineering hardware, I build a lot of hardware. And my last product was a lady but it was, I am very proud of that creation.

And one of the things that I've noticed is I love building those. But I also love the idea of building business I love building businesses. And one thing I notice is, A lot of us entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs come from different backgrounds, not necessarily business or marketing, right.

And so, because we, we have all these other passions, and all these other hobbies, if a business has a connection to our hobby, such as web development or programming or building hardware or software, we may find ourselves bearing and spending a lot of time doing that, rather than building the actual business doing the things that will bring us resources that will bring us the money, because with more money means we're going to get to more customers that means we can grow faster.

But sometimes, not always. Sometimes we bury our heads into the work that we love doing and we forget the things that need to be done. And so Julius talk highlights that key point there, right, it really kind of brought that concept in my into my mind. And also, so what Julia really does is she helps business owners, entrepreneurs, transform their business with the power of manifestation.

Right. And this concept was new to me. But one of the things that really struck a chord with me when she was talking what she said. Sometimes you just have to let your inspiration be your guide, right, for action.

And I thought that was very, very powerful as a lesson. Because if you want to build a business that speaks to your heart, then your inspiration should really be your guide, because it's by doing the thing that really resonates with your heart, do you feel satisfied in the services and product that you create for your customers. So that was a very beautiful and engaging conversations with all these guests, and I learned a lot.

I got a lot of introspective and I am hoping for you, you're able to think as you listen to this, and able to see areas in your business where you can improve from learner to them, right, and if you have specific sets of questions that we can use, feel free to send me a voice message, and I'll do my best to tailor my questions towards those.

Now, as I said, the theme for this week. And before I go into that. If you haven't heard of any of those podcasts. I want you to go and listen to them. There's a tonne of value that they drop. Listen for the key action points that they say, right, one of the biggest action points that I took from all of these was one is you need to know your customer, that was David Trotter. And when learning when talking to DJ one thing that I really learned was, You know, don't be quick to dismiss because you fail the first time around, right.

Don't be quick to dismiss learned came to Devon Miller, make sure you've done all the little steps along the way, don't wait, do them. Then Julia emphasised on. Try not to spend all your time doing work.

And the thing that's really important. I can't highlight enough. Why not doing the work all the time is very important. Sometimes you just need to find the one big thing that when you get that done. Everything else is irrelevant. And I think for you as an entrepreneur and a business owner, your time matters, it's very important that you spend it doing the one big thing that nobody else can do. Only you can do it in your business, right, and that one big thing is not going to be there too much to take you 18 to 20 hours a day, right. So the theme for this week's episode. This week's episodes is going to be fantastic customers in where to find them.

And just to recap, we talked about their hopes, dreams and worries we talked about your ideal customers we've created a very specific avatar customer avatar. And today what we're going to do is we're going to dig deeper to that concept, so that we can start the process of targeting them. Right. We can't target our customers until we understand fully. We know the reasons the by, and we know a lot of things. Our demographics and psychographics we can identify them. But now we need to speak to them. Our message need to address them in a crowd of all these people in all these online noise.

Before we can address them there are two things.

There are two types of ideal customers, right. First one is the ideal customer who has a problem, and is an urgent isn't is in an urgent need for a solution, should I say, so they have a very specific problem, and they want to solve it.

And the second type of ideal customer is, they're happy, they've solved the problem. But now they want to retain more happiness, more pleasure or more better results.

Right. So, for example, one ideal customer, we had to use was Bill, we created an avatar, Bill was our customer avatar.

Bill is married with a wife and their first child. Bill has been he's a business owner. His business is a new startup just few months old, six months old, Right, they are looking for leads and so far their lead has been inconsistent. Some days they have leads some months they don't. And this is worrying and frustrating bill. Right. We went into more details specifically about his one's desires and all those dreams that he has, but for this particular problem here we know that bill is the first type of ideal customer, because he has an urgent need.


He's not getting customer feels painfully because he can see the loss in his sale he's feeling that because, you know, his wife stopped working when he started his business and his wife was putting the child, you know, they agreed on all these happy, and all this stuff. However, his business is not generating leads consistently and Bill feels that through his pockets because he needs those sales, right. So that's the first type of ideal customer who has a problem and its solution. The second type of ideal customer could be, if you say Bill in six months time. Now he's generating consistent leads every single day.

Now that is good but he may want more leads to expand. Now notice that the pain isn't there anymore. Right, he may have even more time to spend with his wife, and the child and the child and everything. However, he still needs more results he still wants more to grow his business. So even though he's not feeling the pain. He still wants the same thing but for two different reasons.

The first reason was to get in cash, otherwise is a fear of closing down the business. The second reason is to get in more customer, so they can now grow and expand. So they can hire more people. So the business can grow. And so Bill can get more of his dream dreams, hopes, right. So the first type of ideal customer really has worries. Right. The second type of ideal customer has worries, but now they're focusing on the dreams with sorted out their worries, they're now focusing on their hopes and dreams. So those are the two types. And so before we can go about looking for ideal customer.

What I've learned is, these are the two type of ideal of our ideal customer, or our customer avatar. And if you want to create ads content and everything. The more we can address the specific type of customer avatar, the better, because as we said, our customers are going to be buying for very specific reasons, if you can speak to them directly, we can improve our conversions, create better odds and really speak through that noise online, speak to them directly. Right.

Because the last thing you want is for them to say no thank you for your services not for me.

So, the call to action for you for today is decide which of the two is your ideal customer, and then go about creating a message with that in mind.

And that is really it for this episode.

So I hope you enjoyed that.

If you did, I am really glad that means my job is done. I thank you so much for tuning in for this episode of virtual entrepreneur, and as always I will talk to you on our next episode. Have a wonderful evening.



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