Stories Sell - Here is What You Need To Know
Discover How to Tell Compelling Stories to Increase Sales
Hello everyone and join me in this episode of the virtual entrepreneur.
I am your host Herbert innocent and today my friends, we are talking about how to sell with stories.
Now, it has been a while now and one of the biggest things that I've been doing is I've been studying how other people sell. I've been studying how the experts how people leading in the industries, basically how they tell their stories, how they sell their products.
So when I invest my own money, I've been studying what made me purchase and sometimes it will take me to hear this story 5678 Maybe even 10 times, maybe even more, and I'll be following and learning essentially until at one point in time I make a purchase and I've been trying to understand what it is that makes or made me purchase a story and today essentially, I sat down and I watched this whole concept be broken down.
Now the key person who was really breaking down the concept here today that I really found useful in the way he did was Jim Edwards. But the stories I've been studying from many different authors, so many that I couldn't name them, even if I wanted to.
I mean Russell Brunson, Jim Edwards, Grant Cardone, and Tony Robbins, and so many more like there are so many others who I read from and listen to and follow and study really dedicatedly study.
And I've been studying how they're doing it and their process comes down to about a few of these principles right?
And the principle is really based around this thing. That is when you are telling your story. You go is to answer one question, and the question is why are you doing what you're doing? Right?
People have doubts. They are going to doubt you.
They're going to question your motives and more importantly, they're going to trust you.
A lot of the time, right? You're a stranger. So why are you doing this? Why are you presenting this product even if it's an offer? Why are you giving them this offer?
Is this a scam?
If it's not a scam, then why are you doing what's in it for you besides the money right? Why are you really doing this? So that's why we tell stories to answer that the why question, right? And ultimately, there are three there are about 123456 ways there are six ways that you could tell your story and the first is from your experience.
So maybe you experienced something that that could be something that you overcame a problem maybe you you know you survived something happening to you and you came up with a solution. That could be the story that it was centered around. It could be an observation.
So you saw something and you thought there had to be a better way. So what's Disney the story of Walt Disney was that he saw the theme. He saw the parks right when he took a car moved with his own children or his relative children. But the idea was there were no parents there was no area for parents to sit in. Wait, there was nothing there.
And so it was through that frustration of seeing that, you know, some places that were dirty, it wasn't very clean, and things like that. It was true that it was through that observation that you know, he wanted he may you know, he made a claim of wanting to one day, creating a place better alternative right. So today we have Disneyland and the other thing was another story point that you could use is pressing need.
Pressing Need
Maybe you saw a pressing need.
And you thought you know you had the skills, you have the tools and you can help right so that's another way you could go about it. That is an angle that you tell your story. That's the word I'm looking for an angle. You saw a story. Sorry, you saw a need. And you thought the skills and the tools and the resources you had were better suited to fulfil that need.
Aha Moment
Another angle you could use is the aha moment. Right? And what this essentially means is something happens and the lightbulb goes off in your mind and you get that aha moment and so you decide to go about helping that helping people with that solution. And you will use that to solve that problem, right. So for example, you saw something being done in one area, and then you decide to use it in another area. Right a very good example of this is you know, I came across basically what's his name I'm looking for.
The guy's name is Abraham, Jay Abraham. I think that's the guy's name. And what he was saying was throughout his work, when he was helping businesses was he noticed what was working in one industry and then try to implement it in other industry that was struggling with sales, marketing and so on. And that was, you know, some of the great success that he's had came from that idea, right, taking what's working here and then applying it in another area. And that's an aha moment in a way.
Desire To Serve/ Help
Now, another angle that you could use to tell your story is the desire to serve or help so if you're that person who is wanting to serve or help, I know I am. But it also has been because a lot of people in my life from childhood, my teachers, my parents, have given me so much to the point where I feel naturally inclined basically, naturally, wanting to give back so much no matter how much I give. I want to do more. I just feel like it's a perpetual thing, right.
Pain Self Or Others
And finally, one other angle that you could use to tell a story is the pain either a pain from yourself that you experienced, or a pain for someone else, there'd be someone you care someone you know, something like that, that you experienced and you try to solve.
An example of this and this can be very powerful reason why people make a purchase is to overcome that painful need. And that's why the industry is in the pharmaceuticals and all these other health and, and even wealth.
You know, you hear this story of someone going from bankruptcy all the way to, you know, making their own first X amount or you hear someone going from this much weight this much poor health, you know, this much our limitations to this much freedom and access and so on and so forth.
So, that idea of wanting to live life, right?
Why Stories Work
So those are the envelopes and the aim of telling your story from the point of view of experience or observation or a pressing need that you saw, or the aha moment or the desire to help or serve or just the pain of the self or others. The reason you're telling or a story from any of these angles, is really to answer the questions.
Why are you selling this?
Why are you doing this?
And the other question this is helping answer is who are you?
Right and the third question this is helping your customers answer is, why are you qualified to do this?
What makes you qualified to do this?
Because these are the questions and objections that your customers probably have in their minds, and they may not even know it. And so by telling a story in that way, you're able to help them answer these questions, you're able to help them better address these objections that they may have about your product or about your company.
And by helping them address those you basically help aid you're basically putting yourself in a position to help them much, much better. You're building trust.
Why Stories
Right. And the other thing I wanted to share here with you very quickly is that the idea of using stories is social stories make people emotional.
Right, that's very very powerful. But even more powerful is that emotions change people's state. Now, this is key I could go on forever because I've been studying this in detail.
Einstein said you cannot solve problems with the same thinking on a mindset that you create for them.
You cannot solve problems with the same thinking you use to create them. So the idea here is we change our state, emotional state, and mindset state.
Even our body postures and everything. Like that, and this is very powerful.
So Stories help people change states. And I mean, I could go on about this. It's a very powerful, beautiful topic to understand because to do anything comes down to do anything to achieve any results. comes down to making a decision,
an empowering decision...
but to make a powerful empowering decision you must first change your state.
It's impossible to make an empowering decision with the same state that you're at you must first change your state. And when you change your state, then you're able to take action and in this case, the action we want to help our customers take is to make a purchase.
Now, this is a very painful thing because making a purchase means taking a risk and for some people that risk may be much bigger than others.
For a person who only has, you know, five hundred in the bank, making a purchase of $50 may feel like that's a lot of money and that's a very powerful, painful investment that they may need to make, even though it's going to be better later.
Because maybe you're going to help them achieve a certain result. But at that moment they're making that purchase is a very painful investment.
And so we tell these stories, number one, to create the emotions necessary to change the person's state so they can take action.
And these stories can also be used to take for us to teach and all the other wonderful things even if it just means to influence people's ideas, beliefs, values, as well as preferences right so I won't go into too much details on that because you could be here for a very long time, but I wanted to share this with you, right this concept of selling and how it links into some of the most important aspects of our lives.
So thank you so much for tuning in on this episode. Of the virtual entrepreneur. Again, I am your host, Herbert innocent. I will see you on our next episode of the virtual entrepreneur.