Product vs Offer: How to find highly converting Affiliate Marketing offers
Join me on this episode of the marketer's secret lighthouse. I am your host habit innocent, and today we are talking about the difference between an offer, and a product.

And for you, as an affiliate marketer. As a beginner affiliate marketer. What this means is how you will be able to differentiate between an offer, and a product, so that you can Join me on this episode of the marketer's secret lighthouse. I am your host habit innocent, and today we are talking about the difference between an offer, and a product.
0:13 And for you, as an affiliate marketer. As a beginner affiliate marketer. What this means is how you will be able to differentiate between an offer, and a product, so that you can find highly converting affiliate marketing offers instead of product.
0:34 So if you're new to this podcast. In the past we have talked about content, we talked about how to create killer content in our last episode. And then we talked about niches, we talked about how to go into the three core markets and carve yourself a niche that is not very highly competitive. And then we also talked about how to get more clicks, you know, more customers and how to get movie, you know, more audiences.
1:06 However, none of all that is going to matter if you are selling a product because while products do sell but not as much as offers and you'll get to understand that in a minute. So, none of that is going to matter if you don't make the right choice at the beginning.
1:26 With that said, let's jump right in. So first let's talk about a product so everyone is familiar with product when you go to all the time, what you find is a product, right, you go there you can buy a chair, or you go there you can buy a mouse, a computer mouse, or you can buy a computer or a keyboard, right, that is a commodity that is a product that you can buy there it solves a single need, and it solves one core problem but it also creates other problems. So for example if you buy a computer.
2:03 Then, the core problem that it creates is. What about antivirus software. What about a mouse if I want to be able, you know, to move the cursor on the screen much faster. What about speakers if I want to play loud music in the house as you can see there's a lot more problems created as a result of that product. Right. And then, now that we understand what is a product.
2:34 And you're probably thinking, well then the offer must be, you know, sells multiple products, multiple, multiple problems, excuse me, and yes, you'll be correct. So, essentially what an offer is it's not a commodity, because you can dramatically increase the value of an offer, but it's harder to increase the value of a product. So a product is a single commodity and its value is fixed, and it drops over time depending on its availability. But when it comes in, offer its value is not fixed, you can always increase its value. Because an offer is made up of several products.
3:16 And why did this is so for example if you go to Amazon, you may decide that you're buying a tea pot, and then Amazon might suggest that the bottom, usually most people buy when most people buy tea pots they also buy.
3:31 I don't tea bags and mug, and the end, coffee cup mat. Right. So there's a lot of these things that are suggested below, and then it shows you a discounted price now that would be. Ideally, a way of structuring an offer. If you're being offered all that together for reduced price, right, but other ways will be to just increase the value by making the product easier to use, including additional, you know, useful information. And usually this is where information products become really, really useful because it's cheaper to create them but the value increases dramatically.
4:17 So for example if somebody bought a computer, and they also got a programming course for free that came with it. Now the programming course may have been recorded once, but you can make a lot of copies of it, and the computer will still sell very very well because now you get this programming course for free when you buy with a computer, which is perfect for computer programmers and so on and so forth. So, that will be how offers will be structured right targeting a very particular niche, and then creating a follow up product that solves the problem created by the first product. And that's what an offer is. And the best way to find an offer is usually you find a product and then you'll see that it has several things that comes with it. And they're offered as bonuses, and when you find a product like that on Clickbank or annually. Those are usually very best choice for promoting because they sell themselves better than if you just sell commodity commodity as a fixed value, and that means if your competition is selling something and they're selling cheaper, then you have to try and undercut their price by going even cheaper than them, so that you can sell more, with an offer, you know, the more you can just add more to the offer to make it more valuable, and still maintain the price or even increase the price and still make much more still sell faster because you're giving them more value, but at a much reduced cost to you, but more benefit to them, if that makes sense. So, that is us on today's episode of the macro secret lighthouse, I hope you enjoyed that. If you did, feel free to subscribe, and if you want to understand more about these concepts, I have my own website that is Herbet marketing help calm. If you go there is a tonne of content on affiliate marketing way you can dive in deep in us and the concepts. Aside from that, thanking you, thank you so much for tuning in and I'll talk to you on our next episode. Good evening. s instead of product.
0:34 So if you're new to this podcast. In the past we have talked about content, we talked about how to create killer content in our last episode. And then we talked about niches, we talked about how to go into the three core markets and carve yourself a niche that is not very highly competitive. And then we also talked about how to get more clicks, you know, more customers and how to get movie, you know, more audiences.
1:06 However, none of all that is going to matter if you are selling a product because while products do sell but not as much as offers and you'll get to understand that in a minute. So, none of that is going to matter if you don't make the right choice at the beginning.
1:26 With that said, let's jump right in. So first let's talk about a product so everyone is familiar with product when you go to all the time, what you find is a product, right, you go there you can buy a chair, or you go there you can buy a mouse, a computer mouse, or you can buy a computer or a keyboard, right, that is a commodity that is a product that you can buy there it solves a single need, and it solves one core problem but it also creates other problems. So for example if you buy a computer.
2:03 Then, the core problem that it creates is. What about antivirus software. What about a mouse if I want to be able, you know, to move the cursor on the screen much faster. What about speakers if I want to play loud music in the house as you can see there's a lot more problems created as a result of that product. Right. And then, now that we understand what is a product.
2:34 And you're probably thinking, well then the offer must be, you know, sells multiple products, multiple, multiple problems, excuse me, and yes, you'll be correct. So, essentially what an offer is it's not a commodity, because you can dramatically increase the value of an offer, but it's harder to increase the value of a product. So a product is a single commodity and its value is fixed, and it drops over time depending on its availability. But when it comes in, offer its value is not fixed, you can always increase its value. Because an offer is made up of several products.
3:16 And why did this is so for example if you go to Amazon, you may decide that you're buying a tea pot, and then Amazon might suggest that the bottom, usually most people buy when most people buy tea pots they also buy.
3:31 I don't tea bags and mug, and the end, coffee cup mat. Right. So there's a lot of these things that are suggested below, and then it shows you a discounted price now that would be. Ideally, a way of structuring an offer. If you're being offered all that together for reduced price, right, but other ways will be to just increase the value by making the product easier to use, including additional, you know, useful information. And usually this is where information products become really, really useful because it's cheaper to create them but the value increases dramatically.
4:17 So for example if somebody bought a computer, and they also got a programming course for free that came with it. Now the programming course may have been recorded once, but you can make a lot of copies of it, and the computer will still sell very very well because now you get this programming course for free when you buy with a computer, which is perfect for computer programmers and so on and so forth. So, that will be how offers will be structured right targeting a very particular niche, and then creating a follow up product that solves the problem created by the first product. And that's what an offer is. And the best way to find an offer is usually you find a product and then you'll see that it has several things that comes with it. And they're offered as bonuses, and when you find a product like that on Clickbank or annually. Those are usually very best choice for promoting because they sell themselves better than if you just sell commodity commodity as a fixed value, and that means if your competition is selling something and they're selling cheaper, then you have to try and undercut their price by going even cheaper than them, so that you can sell more, with an offer, you know, the more you can just add more to the offer to make it more valuable, and still maintain the price or even increase the price and still make much more still sell faster because you're giving them more value, but at a much reduced cost to you, but more benefit to them, if that makes sense. So, that is us on today's episode of the macro secret lighthouse, I hope you enjoyed that. If you did, feel free to subscribe, and if you want to understand more about these concepts, I have my own website that is Herbet marketing help calm. If you go there is a tonne of content on affiliate marketing way you can dive in deep in us and the concepts. Aside from that, thanking you, thank you so much for tuning in and I'll talk to you on our next episode. Good evening.