People First, Opportunity Second
Updated: Jun 17, 2023
Have you ever wondered what do you not know about money?
Join me on this episode of the virtual entrepreneur I am your host, Herbert Enos, and today we're going to be exploring some of the things that we wish we knew about money, but maybe, just maybe, we don't fully know what we wish, and we thought we knew, especially about money.
So, when I first.
On our previous episode we talked about how to set up goals, goals, that will allow you to help set up goals the correct ways that you can reach your goals and your targets, and one of the things that we really focused on was using proven methods that other people use, and we looked at a method from Tony Robbins. Combine that with Grant.
With Grant, as well as with Brian Tracy's method, right, so we're combining those we've got a fairly clear view of what that means. But there's a lot more that goes into that, than just looking at the key methods, there's also the principles of success.
If you're not going to look at that episode, go back, you can find that episode on our previous episode you can find that information on our previous episodes. You can also find the notes to that episode at Herbet marketing that is h e r b e r t marketing Now.
On today's episode as I said, I want to explore what do we not know about money. And the reason why I wanted to explore this particular aspect of business, or this particular aspect of what exactly it is that, you know, we do is intrapreneur which is solving problems in exchange for the cash value and relationship values in our businesses and things like that.
One of the questions that I've been looking is Grant talks about this concept where he says, if you're not getting enough money consistently if you. That means you don't know something about money.
If you don't, if you don't have something.
That means you don't know something about it. Right. If you're not in relationships because you don't know something about relationships.
If you don't have money, that means you don't know something about money.
Right. And if you don't have health, that means you don't know something about health. Right, so I was looking and I was looking at this question. And as intrapreneurs, sometimes we get lucky.
Right. And what I mean by the idea that we get lucky, is sometimes the conditions are correct.
And we build something.
And we make some something out of what it is that we built.
For example, you may start a business, and use all the first initial approaches. Right. The fact that you don't know and you don't ask too much may play at your advantage, talking to people around you, your friends, and they may actually help you promote and cross a certain threshold where a certain point where, you know, you are getting these customers without spending too much money, but you are really building this business, not because you know how to build it. But because you have been lucky enough to play your cards, the right time.
And because you may be doing okay. You may continue to be doing that.
Right. You may continue to be doing that, because it's not failing, and it's not working so perfectly. It just seems to be okay. It's working. It's okay. Right, you're getting just barely enough cash going in, maybe breaking even, maybe losing some days, winning on other days. And so, you know, averaging out.
And for a lot of entrepreneurs actually the majority of entrepreneurs. This is where they are right, breaking even or losing a little bit or making a little bit. This is where the majority of business owners are.
Right. And what I've realised is just because you made your first business. And it doesn't mean you know how to repeat that process, and that means, as an entrepreneur, we may still not know what we don't know about money.
Right, this thing that we hopelessly depend on this being that we, we've assigned such a huge value over. We work for it. For the majority of our lives, right, you know you got to get that education, get secondary education and to get, you know, higher education, just so you can get this resource.
Right. But we may still not know fully what we want to know about it. Right. So when I heard him say what do you not know about money, and taking this challenge on this challenge, I took 1000 years, and I said I'm going to build a business with it and trying to rebuild that I came to realise something for a lot of entrepreneurs.
They only succeed and become success on the last few years, right, and their success grow exponential exponentially, essentially, maybe very very slow. And it's only by the time you're talking to them you realise, only the past two, three years, that they're getting and reaping the fruits of their labour. Right. But before that was preparation, and learning to good me wonder, how do you go about learning all these, what you learn about money from people.
Because one of the things I've noticed is, a lot of entrepreneurs we tend to chase money so vigorously, that we forget some of the key principles. For example, one of the few principles that I keep having to remind maybe I've had to learn is, you know, first of all what is your target.
What is your outcome your desired outcome you want in money. Right. And one thing that was really pointed out was, you know, for a lot of us intrapreneurs we don't really even have our own targets we've taken someone else's targets, you know, we have other people's dreams, and we think they're ours. Right, we've heard, we've been hypnotised by the media, by all these information.
And we have taken all this information.
Other people's goals and dreams that we see and we've made them our own.
Right, so we've made them our own and over time we've just built on that you've just built on that, and you've kept going until to where we are today.
So that was one other thing you need to consider to consider that I was seeing that is you know, the first thing is, what do I not know about money and what do I know about money.
Can I recreate can I get it at will. So if I were to start all over again and I want to get it, do I know how to do that, because for a lot of us we have these ideas of what we will do, but we actually don't know if it will work.
We don't know if it will work.
Right. Another thing is, especially if you're trying a different industry. We don't know how to do work. Another thing is one thing that I heard was, you know, the problem essentially is the distance between me and the money. Now what do I mean by this. This is a very interesting concept, because for some Allah grant for someone like grant one of the things that he's talked about was.
Money isn't the problem. The problem is the distance that exists between me and the money, asking myself, you know, who has the money that I can trade them for something. Who is that person, where are they, where are they at and what can I do to make that transaction happen.
Right, so this is the question that I am seeing.
And the final statement that I'm hearing is this.
We know you need to first find, not so much the money. You know, you need to go for people first. Opportunities second.
So, people first and then opportunity second because people become our contact right there those relationships, becomes transactions. So, there's a few things here, I've been learning, and I hope they'll come together very nicely at the end of the first is, what do I not know about money. Second is, what exactly is my target. My target not someone else's target. What exactly is my goal.
And third is, how do I close the distance between the person who has the money versus how far I am. Because if I can close that gap. If I can solve that problem, then that will help that who initiate the transaction. And the interesting part is this for all the so called gurus and all these business people.
One thing that they don't say is, they themselves learned to sell, knocked on door to do before they created their turn, they are in easy push button solutions that they're selling to naive, entrepreneurs, who don't know how the world works, just yet. Now I know this sounds like a very harsh cold truth.
But the reality is this, take any business owner selling you something that is probably not the first business. If they're showing you how to build a business that is probably not their first business, and as an entrepreneur who is so desperate to create a business to build a success to build an empire.
You're essentially being sold and dream attached to any type of vehicle, but the thing you have to realise is that people selling you the dream.
They didn't get that dream overnight, they worked for it over and over and over and over, they've tried so many things until they found the thing that works. So for you to come and just take that, you know cream on top and hope you have the entire cake and then nutrition. It doesn't work that way you're just, you're just getting the ice frosting right. Think about it.
Building that cake takes very long time, you need the ingredients, the baking the temperature setting all those things up, mixing and everything, the frosting the pretty part where you see. Let's just frosting on the top with a strawberry, which takes the least amount of time to put.
Right. And when you're eating the cake.
The majority of what you eat is what took the longest time to make. So there is this thing here, where I'm saying you know, a lot of successful entrepreneurs will sell you these solutions.
But the truth is if you want to succeed, you have to do, not what they're saying. But what they did what they do. And one of the things that I've noticed what they do is, for grant, he prioritises people heat sets such big goals. Right.
So, the first thing is setting very big goal prioritising people, finding a person, and asking yourself, what kind of advantage, can I give them what kind of skill set, how can I sell myself to them, how can I demonstrate them a very valuable skill that they want to hire me.
Right. And once I've done that I've built a relationship, leveraging that relationship with the other person and have noticed all the entrepreneurs who have done really, really well. This is the approach they actually have per person first. Build a relationship and then transaction comes after the essentially the 8020 rules.
The 8020 rule, where you get so the idea that you know, focus on the 20% that works. Yeah, but it took 80% to learn that 20% That works. Right. It takes 80% to learn the 20% that works.
Right. So, as an entrepreneur, there's no shortcut you have to learn because sales is skills, being a CEO and running a company managing a team is a skill. Right, being able to manage, inspire, as well as, you know make sure these, all these processes in place is a skills and to master those skills takes time, there is no shortcut.
So while that is not the best sales pitch, you, you will do selling a very nice shortcut. Easy Button software, but it does say one thing. Very very simple and true.
It's going to take learning about. You could learn from other people's mistakes, such as finding and looking at what they're doing, and then more doing that rather than listening to what they say. Right. So one of the things that I've learned is a sure way that I see every single intrapreneur I admire has done is they've taken the call their student the stage, and they've knocked on people's doors and they went, selling, and they sold, and the practice, the practice until they got perfect at it.
I haven't met any, any entrepreneur who took the shortcut.
So, this is what I want to share with you. So, what do you not know about money and how can you learn that.
So I hope that was useful. Now today's episode was a little bit different compared to the other episode, but again I took this challenge, as a challenge to learn about business, about real business that brings you wealth, not get rich quick schemes that, you know, they tell you do this to be simple thing does that make you money. The truth is, those things don't work.
And as an entrepreneur. You can also waste so much time working on building those things. But the truth is until you switch to building a real business. It won't matter.
So there is that I want to thank you so much for tuning in. Now while I said all these.
Once you know what you want to do know about money, I think it makes sense that you were able to repeat that and was able to repeat that. It also makes sense that you can shortcut, how fast you can go about benchmarks to take those skills, so maybe you may shortcut.
Some of the aspects that, you know, approaches, but you will still need to spend time mastering that skill building that skill because at one time you're going to face a client that's gonna say no, no thank you. You're gonna face a client who you did so much for them but they're gonna complain, and you're gonna fail, you know, you're also going to face a client who you're just gonna love working with them so much.
So even those are experiences that you can't trade you have to go through that, to know what you're doing. So look, thank you so much for tuning in on this particular episode of the virtual enterpreneur. I hope you got a tonne of value from it.
But for this particular episode can be found at Herbert maketing that is h e r b e r t marketing And as always, I will talk to you on our next episode of virtual entrepreneur.
Have a wonderful evening.