Landing Page: How to build your Affiliate Marketing landing page for free.
Updated: Apr 13, 2021
To build your affiliate marketing landing page for free.
Join me on this episode of marketer’s secret lighthouse, I am your host Herbert innocent, and today we are talking about the landing page. More specifically, how to build your affiliate marketing landing page for free.
Now, when it comes to affiliate marketing.
Wait a minute.
So if you’re new to this podcast, and you haven’t heard about it, we’ve been talking about the past few days. We’ve been essentially talking about affiliate marketing and more importantly, how to start affiliate marketing, how affiliate marketing works. And in the previous episode we talked about how to find your niche.
So these three core markets, and we talked about how to carve yourself a space within those three core markets you can find yourself a niche.
And then we talked about the product in how to use your competition to your advantage. And then we also went and talked about traffic, how to find the perfect traffic for, you know, to generate sales for your affiliate marketing, and then in the last episode we looked at the list emailing list, and we talked about how to make more sales and profits to increase your commissions from.
Use your use your email marketing. And the idea here is that you’re going to be doing the same work promoting the same amount of time, but you’re gonna quadruple your profits and sales.
Now if you haven’t heard those episodes, I urge you to go back and listen to those before you continue. On this episode, so pause it now go back and listen to those, and come back and continue in this one. That’s it. Today we are talking about how to build a landing page for you, affiliate marketing.
And before we get into it.
What I want you to know is there are seven reasons why you would want to build an affiliate marketing landing page, and the difference between landing page and a website is that a website is designed to display information to your customers. It may capture lead, but it may also not capture lead, it is actually more distracting because there’s so many options. Some websites have options within options within options.