Jan Cavelle Reveals Scaling Small Business: Tips, Tricks, and Secrets
How every entrepreneur can scale their business. So the mindsets, the sales the marketing and so much more.

Hello everyone and welcome to this episode of the virtual entrepreneur today, the title for today's interview is scaling your business tips tricks secrets and interview with Jan Cavelle, my name is habit innocent and today I am talking with Jan Cavelle about tips tricks and secrets that every entrepreneur needs to shortcut their way, succeeding with scaling their business to get better results faster. Welcome, Jan Cavelle,
awesome, awesome. So, as you know Jan Cavelle is a well known expert on the subject matter of scaling business. She is no stranger to the concept of success of entrepreneurs ship successes and failure, and she has even built her own business from kitchen table, all the way to multi million dollar businesses. So today we're going to be talking with Jan Cavelle who has graciously graciously agreed to interview to share her extensive knowledge and experts could tips and tricks that an entrepreneur could be used will be useful to failure to know artists accelerate businesses.
For better results and help you scale in your businesses, so you'll be learning about the mindsets the sales the marketing and so much more. I am excited to have you join us on this interview with Jan Cavelle, so thank you again Jan Cavelle, for joining us on this wonderful interview.
Awesome. I am so excited I couldn't contain myself.
So we're gonna jump right into the interview. And as I said a little bit earlier this so the interview usually has a set of questions that I'm going to be first initially focused on your background and experiences in the field of scaling businesses so the entrepreneurs in our audience can understand who you are where you're coming from and how you can relate to, to where they are right now. Right. And so, after that, we'll then jump into the cool stuff the cool tips, tricks and secrets about scaling businesses right, what motivated entrepreneurs to go into this venture of building and scaling businesses. And then, the idea here is so that our audience will get a little bit of the takeaway that, that they can apply to their businesses today to get those fantastic results. So Jan Cavelle, could you tell us a little bit more about yourself in terms of background education experiences in building and scaling your own businesses,
because I didn't come.
I really afford to going out to work as much as possible.
Yes, it is for political and social thing, but you know I do work for other people but a freelance basis. I started a few businesses on a first of all, man, a friend, and you know I'm just doing lots of things, but you know got paid, pretty instantly but avoided having to contract.
I'm just fine. And that's great.
If you don't have too many obligations
set goal.
You know, obviously, mainly just work to feed myself for the rest of my Apple as much as possible.
I'm late.
I caught my head.
And then I have to do business before terroristic because I found myself on my own as a single mom, post divorce.
With this relatively straight to the wonderful episode recently off bootstrapping and I didn't have all of our PowerPoints, because I was really sort of social sport.
Not, I had got sales
from real jobs when I couldn't find anything more fun, but it's very useful if at all, learning styles, you know, whether you use it in a set way of being a salesperson
sales process.
Not sure, but you know I, it's took me an incredibly good step. I know it all the time. But it was to be a foundation for our business because I was desperate to put a roof over my head, desperate to get someone selling something, and I was the basis of my business.
You know, but that's what I grew from now belting. What I did with
it was because
I needed to do it myself.
But it was all about sewing, I think, diversify the pricing. If you understand
something, a profit on it. And that equals business. It's so simple, but it's something.
do it yourself.
You're making a profit.
That's, that sounds like a very long journey going from where you started to get where you are with a lot of stories in the.
I think I agree when you say selling is quite a very useful skill there and I think if you're in a business, you have to give yourself that opportunity to learn that skill. And I'm going to touch a little bit more into that because I think it's really fundamental for all business owners. But what I wanted to ask a little bit there were, you, you said you know you started taking business seriously, as once you had the family, and I wanted to ask you, would you say family played a really important role in making you a serious entrepreneur and how was that like for you.
A few more jobs for other people. Got a sales job for a bit.
With paying rent, but I wouldn't have actually thought, I've got to build something. I'm also working from home which is nice.
But I want to go to work with, with television.
And, you know, In many ways it made life a lot easier because it was tried to force my life to Hopper, the hopper the intent of providing children.
You know I have to go for it.
Stop thinking of this.
Yeah, absolutely. I think it's the back, your back is against a wall isn't it, you're exactly you have to no choices anymore. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think so. I agree. I can understand a little bit of that.
And do you think that because there's this thing where I've heard, maybe a few people would say, you know, as in, you know, I can't do that because I have a family, I you know I can't. As in I can't start a business because of a family do you think that applies. Do you think that mindset is correct for an entrepreneur to think like that
So I will say that, but I think if they want to start a business, you can still run a business, and have children at the same time. Yeah, I know, fabulous SparkPost CO, Costco, have chosen the business unit, we don't find ourselves arguing, as much with women who we still keep their jobs.
Actually entrepreneurship itself.
You can adopt your disease here in the early years, then you probably can't, if you work something else it might have no protection sexually taken off the lifestyle because it's something kills both.
Yeah, that's a really beautiful message there, because sometimes I think as entrepreneurs we do find ourselves sitting on the fence we like you know, I have a family now. This is risky, but if you really want to, I think it's worth knowing that other people have done it, you're not the first one you can do it too. All you have to do is just follow. You know that basic process there, which is your trading. Yeah, I think. Yeah, about keeping our feet you know luckily for me I wasn't very employable on the job, which may have given one off a lot easier. Yeah, when you've got a great career.
it's much harder to get off business but yeah, it's on the other hand, people with great careers, huge partners are much more careful.
Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. Yeah, thank you for sharing that with us i i am glad because I've always believed that you know if you should always, if you have that passion, if you feel like you can do it. You shouldn't hold yourself. Don't let these fears hold yourself back there's always people who have done it too and you can learn from them, and so on and so forth. And so one thing that I wanted to ask as well was you know you've talked a lot about about, you know, entrepreneurship success and failure, and you also talk about scaling of businesses. So in terms of new yourself, do you help entrepreneurs, you know scale their businesses, or do you help them learn how to build them. What is it that you you're helping entrepreneurs with in terms of this talk,
actually took off.
operation, manufacturing and so grew fast.
You know, I started to learn about the business like more serious and role plays per day, and discovered the whole principle of scaling a business and
one of the things I find it very hard. You've got to surf the page, and then it grows.
And you might slide back a bit, and you go on a bit.
And it's almost like a different stage again. Rob Weinstock.
It's the stage where you're creating a business that's separate from yourself, but it's not, you know, a very small team at all, everybody knows something, it becomes an entity but existence, with or without big change. And it's it's hard to do on the eyes, you know, like many entrepreneurs I assumed it was me, for a very long time, until I talked to huge get stuck in that transition is a real real problem.
So, with my voice when I retired,
I tried to help entrepreneurs, solve the mysteries, but I've come up.
It's so hard to get a business to go from one to 10 million, it depends on the sector,
okay and okay so it's this idea of essentially, you know, making the entire business stand alone and independent of the founders, as the key elements of the business. That's very fundamental. I think that's really important especially if you want to retire and work. Well maybe do something else new, okay. And
Okay, that sounds that is very fundamental, would you say,
I suppose this is a follow up question I'm thinking, is that something that business owner should be incorporating at the beginning of their business, or is it something that they should do it once the other stage, and they want to leave. I'm wondering,
write, because we all know about problems startup
universe wants people out selling coaching packages but you may get too wildly rich, But there's more to this sort of thing.
Really important talk more, I think, again, it depends a bit on sector, but, you know, you may be perfectly happy with a small business,
cash positive follows, shop, shop, go away tomorrow. That's fine. That's fantastic. But equally
as a team.
It's going to be appropriate.
So that's why you're going to create a separate steps to do what you want to do fairly early on.
I think that's one.
But people don't think about it early on, they get to a certain point, find it is so stressful, start to panic start to firefight.
Yeah. Awesome. Yeah I think that's really speaks for itself there as in making your business self sufficient. It's, I'm trying to find another way to re emphasize that message and I think you just nailed it there in terms of, I think, as an especially if you have planned ahead what your end goal is for your business, it should make sense to have this plans in place so that you are not the key element that keeps the business open, and, you know, especially if you want to sell it or exit or whatever strategies that you want to use.
At the end goal, I think this should be considered. So that's a really good highlight that we have never considered on this show so thank you for for highlighting that key point there, and I was going to ask you is there any or maybe from your experience is there a tip that you wish you'd share with the entrepreneurs in terms of scaling their business, especially when they're first starting out, is there something that they can do that can keep them on the right track. Besides awareness because you mentioned awareness is very important that you know you're first thinking about these things, but what would you say is the next stage that they could do once they're aware,
go live.
If you've got a highly profitable small business just conceptually tells me it's right to grow it, it may not be.
If you're loving your voice. It suits you,
but just on two problems right now. Yeah, just because people say you should
be sure that it's going to work for you.
And if you're going to want to.
It's, it's not something to drift into it's something to.
You're going to heighten the odds of failure. If you drift.
Justice, with a with an infinity
of money size or size, what size you're going to cite all those things take time, approach,
better chances. But, you know, all else again.
Remember, this is not selling
short, short, short sure that your product is absolutely ITAR a big chunk of the market
is something, you know, by conformity that's going to top up your corner
because you're gonna have to generate sales. Yeah.
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense that's brings everything together to discuss over there. And I'm wondering, was that
what maybe from your experiences and your perspective, what could.
What have you seen that maybe could maybe it's a trick or maybe it's something that you figured out or discovered in terms of this that you're noticing as a common trend that in, in the area of that entrepreneur as entrepreneurs begin going through the process of scaling their business.
We all know when we start firefighting, are not terribly effective control.
It's not very good.
And I've seen some, that's where you go for two steps forward, one and three quarter steps back. Yeah, awesome and is their way, so essentially the best way from, I'm trying to recap as what you're saying the best way will be to plan ahead. And then, and once they plan ahead, I'm guessing the idea there will be to then start implementing that plan. And, And is there, is the idea there to then get maybe expertise in terms of finding ways to replace.
What would you call this, maybe we finding ways to bring everything into a systematic approach that or how would you go about it.
I think systems are because entrepreneurs attempt to find systems.
Most entrepreneurs very fast thinking to get on with it. With this prospect of sitting in your office for the next two months have concocting systems is just you know, beyond there, and there's something more urgent to do it's going to be tomorrow's job and it's never going to come. Yeah, so, you know, I think you do want to on on the actual system.
You know, I think that's a book I'd recommend not an offline. But this one book called,
Jamie. And she talks a lot about this and he recommends that you actually get somebody else systems which meant.
You're such a talk. Yeah, which shows the heart but often you have to tow for because, but chances are, I won't do it.
But yeah, it's, it's, it's, if they've got a big part of it.
Because anybody calling of business is gonna want to know that.
Yes, you know, but it's marketing management.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely, you know, funny thing is that this is actually one of my favorite topics is system. systematize systematizing Yeah, yeah, and
think, I think I can understand why, for a lot of Entrepreneurs this will be very tedious and I think I understand that I know how tedious it is, especially when it comes to doing it. And I think also as an entrepreneur, there are things that you can focus on that your attention should never deviate from such as sales and marketing your business. And I think having someone else do that also removes the bias, and really looking at the key components. So, it's the end. The reason why I really love this topic is because my background is in engineering so I understand systems much better.
And I tend to want to put everything into a system.
It's just everything else seems too complicated unless it's systematize but I think I understand from you, as in if you want your business to work without the founders, you need to have it in a process that, you know everyone else can understand how to drive it forward. So I think it's very key, and I think you're, as in, as far as having someone coming from outside. That is a very good insight I think. I think a lot of Entrepreneurs about to consider that because it can seem like something you want to do by yourself. And I'm wondering what, what, what's your experience in that if you try to do yourself. I mean, you mentioned
the right people to use.
You know I took force myself to do a lot. But that's it, part two people have to find systems. But yeah I mean I think you can get, you can get somebody within your team to do the systems. If you show them right and get them how to do for workflow right, and why you can clap it has to come from you,
but it just doesn't have to. Yeah. Yes,
absolutely helps but yeah.
Part two is.
Yeah, so setting the system as it
a lot of systems.
You know, I mean for example when I was manufacturing I got very into
You have all your tools and everything flows.
But you actually have people on your team who hated to work in an organised way, by having everything everywhere.
But every now sales
systems marketing tool live sells and that's a really difficult.
Absolutely, absolutely. That's a, that's a, that's a very Yeah, that's a very, something that's, I think that's around the area of mindset is and to be cautious of your teams and how they work as well, so that they can bring that all that together. I wonder, I wonder, Is there specific mindsets that an entrepreneur should be into in terms of when they're scaling their business is their mindset that they need to adapt from experience.
Why have you got to do this.
Straight ahead. It didn't exist. So I kept on.
I was good idea to do this,
and just not.
I'm not saying,
You've got to have what you come up with your fish, saying, nothing's gonna stop
happening happen.
And okay and if you is the secret that you used when someone when something was deviating you from the focus was there something that you used to keep you on.
I'm not sure I should have done a great service by filling out, which is never a good, a good way to do something. I felt but
But you know I told you it was my responsibility. Okay.
Okay, so it should be from inspiration rather than from the need to do it, it should be from wanting rather than the need is it.
Okay, okay, okay.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, absolutely.
Yeah, I think it's, I wonder if it slows you down rather than pushing you forward I think as a.
rather than something to snowball rolling down the hill, kind of effect. Yeah, and is there a secret that maybe you came across that really helps makes old this tedious process that a lot of people would rather never do, is a signal that came across that really helps that you know you took that into like, okay, we can use this
way up to personnel or whatever, you know, all have things in common. They are just absolutely in half of what they do, they are so determined to create this.
It comes down to that drive.
Okay. And how do you, how would you.
So how would you, if you were to give an entrepreneur as an advice would you tell them to really find their co worker, what would you tell them in terms of from that observation there.
Don't think it's absolutely, I think, you know, if, if you've got a good reason for saying why you scamming. If you've got a lot of business and you don't.
If you decide you want to retire at 3527 years to make soap.
Yeah, yeah, you need to put some serious graft.
I also don't think money actually goes, you know, the idea of having freedom in your life to be able to
live, kids or pets, or to have more time with your children, or to do amazing things to help the world, you know, all those things are all our wives that just get rich.
That's, that's very, that's very, it resonates with me, I and I liked that message, and we had talked here briefly about you know the visions and mission and purpose and and having that purpose, because oftentimes we forget, I think we forget the key things, why we started what you're doing. And I think always going back and finding ways to bring our message back, I suppose.
I wonder if that's one of the key things that we know who would help you and I think from you, you know kids I think kids for from your case were your inspiration in my right to say that.
Now I'm actually following a passion of mine.
Hold on.
Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. I love that. Is there any juicy tips, tricks, or secrets from your viewpoint that could really help entrepreneurs getting them started on this journey on scaling their business, especially if they want that life and they want to plan ahead to retire, or some time sooner or later
you're going into more businesses.
All sorts of things.
You learn I'm
treating myself, as most of us ourselves this person
definitely can go home
and ensure that have a role to play.
Come up
with yourself.
Record yourself.
First, in the office.
It's interesting you mentioned, training and support cuz I feel like sometimes entrepreneur forget entrepreneurs forget that bit. Like, I already know I'm making sales I already know what I'm doing, and I think that's not always the case.
I know we, we learn a lot more from others, I think, and they really allow us to grow personally and in business. I was wondering where, when, when was your key moment when you were like, Okay, I need to I need training and support, And how did you go about that I'm curious
of false months but it's not so much work out what to do to build business sales
isn't essential you find it stuns me, how many entrepreneurs don't understand, sales, which, which to me is based on when I was started going out into
the system.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, be curious, be curious, isn't it. Yeah, yeah, I would love to ask a tonne of other questions. It's just I'm finding that really we do learn from others and I think as entrepreneurs we need to put this hurt this hat, of being a student at all times. At any given opportunity that we get, because we never know when the next thing that could allow us to, you know, to really get the most out of what we're doing, could come from, and I love the messages that you're sharing with us here today. I'm wondering if Is there anything that I haven't asked, in terms of scaling businesses because I, I could go on with a tonne of other questions but I wanted to know something that is more important, from your point of view
with, say that again. What do you mean.
Preparation of your business plan and
the conviction but it's absolutely.
I think that is a perfect way to put all this what we've been talking about today. And I think that's, that's a really powerful message for any entrepreneur, any entrepreneur who wants to have an end goal to their business because I think it gets quite too much at one point, doesn't it, even if it's your passion, you develop other passion over time, and you want to try those right. You want to go holiday somewhere, somewhere warm.
Yeah, exactly.
Exactly. Thank you so much, Jan Cavelle for such a great interview, I am so excited for all this, that you have shared and it's very, it's a very close topic to my heart so thank you so much for sharing it with us and I want to thank all the entrepreneurs for joining us, and I'm sure the audience have gotten a tonne tonne of tips tricks and secrets on how they can go about starting thinking about their businesses right adopting that mindset for thinking on how they could scale their businesses. And, I mean, these are some of the insider stuff that you need to be conscious of if you want to planning retirement holiday anytime soon, but before we go I just am wondering is there a way, could you tell us where we can learn more about you and what you do.uk, UK.
To find out more about my
trouble and
also find out what my success.
Jan Cavelle.
That is awesome. Good stuff, good stuff. Yeah, so thank you again Jan Cavelle for sharing with us, and thank you to the entrepreneurs for joining us in this amazing presentation on the tips tricks and tools that you can use to scale your business, and I hope it'll muscle we help you improve your results as you go on taking these steps into this journey of scaling your business. So again, I am Herbert innocent and thank you for joining us on this episode of The.