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How to Win At Small Business Marketing Systems and Increase Revenue

Have you ever wondered how important is marketing systems to the success of your marketing activities for your small business?

Well, in this episode we are going to cover how to use marketing systems for your small businesses to get your message in front of your audience and drive meaningful business into your small company. Then we also going to cover how to increase your market share as a trusted and respected business expert for your small business, as well as how to use marketing systems, essentially, to start saving more of your audience in new marketing space.

Hello everyone and welcome to this episode of the virtual entrepreneur. If you're new to this podcast, A very warm welcome.

I am your host, Herbert innocent and today we are talking about how important is marketing systems to your success of your business look in this podcast, I bring you the tips the tricks and the big secrets, the how tos and the success stories, the success knowledge from entrepreneurs around the globe.

And on our previous episode, we talked about how to use marketing to drive up revenue by getting you in front of high quality buyers who are interested in doing business with you and if you haven't heard that episode, I want you to go back, stop, go back and listen to that podcast episode, and then when you're done you can come back here and we'll be right here and ready to rock and roll. And one thing to really note is also that we have notes for that episode already up and running on the website Herbet marketing So that is h e r v e, RT marketing So you can go there and get those two and as I said, today.

In this episode we are going to show you how to use marketing systems for your business, for your small business to get your message in a meaningful way in front of prospects, business, and leads who want to do business with you, and also how to use, you know marketing systems for your small business to increase your market share as a trusted and respected business owner, as well as to use marketing systems for years well business to start serving clients, serving more of your audience in your market space. So if you're excited about that I am super excited.

I think it's gonna be really really cool is that cool, so we're going to jump right into this show and start talking about. So the first thing to really realize here is content creation. When it comes to market assistance, you need a content creation process.

And the content creation process will allow you to establish credibility. And what do I mean by this. Well, there are several ways of establishing credibility, and one of the best way of establishing credibility is first and foremost to position yourself as an expert who has valued offer to your audience valued offer to your leads, valued offer to prospect who just have questions but have no idea how exactly your business can help them. Listen, some businesses may be as simple as coaching.

Oh, could be as simple as selling water. But if a person doesn't know why they should buy that water they won't buy it. And the reason why someone would buy water will be the water in the top has iron ionising elements. Maybe it has Oh these are the chemicals that we don't know and we don't need for our bodies.

So you need to educate your ideal prospect so they know why they should spend that money, or they should just get it cheaper or free somewhere else. And that is a key skill in establishing credibility, right, positioning yourself as an expert who has value either in your profiles, either in your business or website or everywhere else where you think you'll be interacting with your ideal prospect.

And one of the coolest ones that I've learned in C around is business owners, writing a book, so that when they are in conferences, or they're in seminars, they have a book that they're going to give to the audience, not only for free, sometimes the audience can just hold the book and say, Look, I know what I'm talking about. I've written about it here. If you don't believe me, go and read it, they're more you'll get a tonne of value from this book. And this becomes a very good way to position yourself as an expert whose opinion matters, as opposed to an expert who just claims to know a lot of bunch of stuff.

Right, so that's the first step there, which is creating content creation process where content creation strategy to establish yourself as a credible leader, but it also establishes you as a thought leader and there's a difference between a credible leader and a thought leader, and the difference here is very very simple. Well, one of those is credible in the sense that, you know, we understand what they stand for right they have been proven this their plans testimonials, you know you've seen them featured and these other respected shows seminars, webinars, or whatever those are.

But a thought leader is somebody who creates the opinion, and they have the you know they're doing work that is of highest standard right.

They are leading that market space they are leading that little area that they are championing everyone in that space in that niche. Right. And an example of this will be, you know, let's take a very big one that everybody knows that. Right, so Apple seems to be the only company that is champion.

That is, you know champ, taking leadership in the mobile phone industry, maybe even on the desktop and laptop industry right. And the reason why we say they are leaders in the industry is because they come up with ways that become the industry standards, and so for you as a small business owner, you may have some processes and systems that work for your business, that should be industry standards.

And so, by heavy content creation strategies, you're talking about these you're teaching these, you are sharing these, and that elevates your opportunity to be positioned as a thought leader, because your processes may be much better than the traditional processes, I mean there's a reason why you're in business. I would like to assume that you have much more to share than just, you know, providing services. I think there's much more beyond that, there's also the thought and the knowledge behind that. Right. And then the.

So, that is, essentially, you know, using content creation process and strategies to position yourself as a thought leader. And the third piece for this is using content creation strategy to essentially address, your clients or your prospects and your leads problems questions roadblocks and results, I talk about this a lot. Right.

And the reason why I love talking about this is because I've come to learn something really powerful and fundamental about the human nature. We have problems questions. We're blocks, and the result we want the results we want to avoid the problems the roadblocks and we want our questions answered. And if you can answer those and get the result for us.

You've, you've essentially saved the day. You are our champion out here, and we will gravitate towards you because why you can provide us with the solutions that we need, because the solution, addresses the problem, you know, eliminates the roadblocks, answers the questions we have about the problem in the first place, and we have the result, and that is it.

So it becomes a key step in you being able to not just provide value for your audience but also position yourself at that level, where all your prospects and leads know exactly what they're paying for because if they don't know why they're paying for this how the price, you know, the war on price starts right. And I think it is a war or a battle Yeah, on price, because, you know, you, if you don't tell them why or how.

If you don't educate them, then they don't see that value in the solution, right. So, with that said, this is how you use a content creation process or system to essentially address you key leads and prospects questions, problems roadblocks and results.

With that said, the second tip. The second step of this process is, you will need a content distribution strategy. And the reason why you would need a content distribution strategy or process is so that you can reach to more clients on different platforms.

There's a very very big distinction between all these different platforms, some of these platforms are search-based platforms, which means, the only way for the audience to come about and engage with you is they must have searched you an example is YouTube. On YouTube, there's a lot of videos but in order to access a very specific video you need to go and search for it in Google, it's the same thing if you want a piece of content, you have to search for it. And I think Pinterest is also quite similar.

You can search for a very specific pin in a very specific area, and then from there you can get in contact with the people in that niche in that industry in that area. So when your leads, when your prospect when your ideal customers are searching on Google, Pinterest, or YouTube do they find you, because if they do, that's a good thing, and if they don't, well maybe this is another place where you want to create a strategy for when your clients was searching so that they can find you. Right.

And then the next part. So this essentially here becomes you know, the strategy for you to use content distribution strategy to get yourself and reach more clients on different platforms, through search, but you can take it one step further, right. There's also platforms where users are engaging but not necessarily searching and an example of this would be platforms where they're hanging around with their colleagues, friends and family.

They're networking they're socialising, These are social platforms. Right. And an example of this is you know, Instagram, you, Facebook, and we have all these other ones which I want to try and dive too much deeper into it.

I've covered them on my previous episodes, so you can go and listen to those episodes really know how many there are these quite a plethora of them plethora is a very big word, there's a tonne of them, right, that's what I want to say, so you can go about also creating strategies for getting reaching out to prospects who are in these distribution channels, and that maximises your exposure.

Right, so every time someone thinks about who can help them with this particular problem or answer this question, or address these roadblocks or get them the solution they can think is you because you are on these platforms and you need a content distribution strategy, and process in place in order to put you in a position where you can reach to more of your clients in in all those different platforms.

Sounds good. I think that's really exciting. So, that becomes your strategy for that part, and then the next thing is you need a content distribution strategy for your small business to get you into, you know, into recognition and in your space, and I think we covered a little bit in this, but what I mean here exactly is this, right.

So, as you start your new business you are someone who can provide these solutions, but nobody knows about you so obscurity, is a problem, obscurity is a very big problem for a new business owner, and the best way to tackle that big problem is more exposure and more exposure means you're covering more of the space in your niche as you grow out of your niche and then you start covering more space in your marketplace.

And the best way to do that is by having a content strategy that will allow you to increase your market share as a trusted and respected, small business owner. Right. And the way you would go about doing that is, you know, by essentially addressing these questions that we talked about in whatever media or whatever platform you audience, and leads and prospects are, because that is where they'll first meet you. Right, so it could be in LinkedIn. And the best part of this is if you have strategies you can leverage all those you don't have to create every single content every single one of these platforms which is super awesome. Right.

And then the next thing you will need, so essentially that is there content distribution strategy and process to get you more recognition as a, you know, as an industry, or, or a leader in your space, then the next thing is you need a content distribution strategy upload of process, essentially, to attract business partners, or strengthen the relationships that you already have. Because every business that exists, you're either growing or you're shrinking. And one of the biggest things you want to be able to do as a business owner, is make sure that your business is always growing. And the best way to do that is to keep acquiring more space in your industry to keep acquiring more customers. Because the only thing that will keep you growing is more customers, more customers means more business means more expansion. And it also means more revenue for you.

It also means you can utilise more of the existing customers to serve them better, but it ultimately means more expansion. So, the best way to go about doing that is essentially, you have a process in place for your content distribution strategy so that as you put out your content, it attracts more business partners because you are becoming the dominant leader in that niche, and as you grow you even start getting a significant market share in the space. And this is really thinking big, not just thinking small but thinking big, for your business you may be taking small action by putting these processes, as well as the strategies in place, but at the end of the day you are thinking big you're seeing a business from a picture as it grows five 610 or 15 or even 20 years from now. Now with that said, the next step. And our last step is going to be the lead capture process for turning.

Essentially for serving more of your audience but also turning curious website visitors or curious traffic into qualified buyers who want to buy your services, your product or your event. And the best way to go about doing that is essentially, you know, to have a process for taking all these audience that you're engaging on all these platforms, and essentially start turning them into qualified leads, turning them into qualified buyers putting them in one place where you can engage with them, you can communicate with them, and you can reach out to them at any time.

And this becomes the best way for you, essentially to always have a pool of new leads a pool of new prospects, but also the best part of this is also to have to surround yourself with all these people who you always keep doing business with, even if you've done business with before they could always come back to you at a later stage, And that's the cool part of this, which is, you get high-quality buyers by, you know, putting a process that makes sure that you qualify them so you're not spending so much time wondering do they even need your services in the first place. Right, so that's a process there for putting.

So that's your lead capture process, therefore, getting high-quality buyers, but it also does something very unique, which is, it can help you build a loyal and loyal base of audience, but previous buyers right or clients right and what I mean by this is, as you put out more of your content, and if you're using a very good strategy, you probably would test it to see what resonates with them, you know, to see how they consume content, right, to address even deeper questions that are far beyond the product and the services that you provided them.

And this really builds that trust that community effect that links your business to them, and it makes them loyal audience but the best part is, once you become loyal audience. It's so easy to turn them into brand ambassadors, because by just making them happy, serving them world, they'll be more than happy to go about talking about your business, all the audience are everywhere.

So to all their friends and families everywhere they go. So that becomes the process of using your lead capture process to essentially build a loyal base of clients and audience who are your brand ambassadors. Right. And the last step here is essentially building your lead capture process so that you can not just so that you can serve your audience, but so that you can get that repeat business in the referral and I think we covered in this.

But the idea here is, there are two types of referrals is referral where someone wants to refer you, and there's a referral way, you can ask someone to refer you, even if they haven't done this with you. And the best part of all this is when you have a process in place, then you don't have to worry about whether you're utilizing it, or if you're not utilizing it. Right.

And so that's a really awesome. Last part for this so I hope you got value from that bit there and just a quick recap, the idea here is, you know, start building your marketing systems for your small business, so you can get your message out in, in a meaningful way in front of your audience, but also so you can increase your market share in the space and industry that you're in, and the best and the last part is so that you can start serving more of your audience, right, so if you want to get started on that.

Reach out to me that habit marketing And I'll be really happy to get you started, that is h e r b e RT marketing help curb of is super super excited to get, you get started. And with that said, I hope you had a tonne of values from this year, I will talk to you on our next episode.

And as always, have a wonderful evening.



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