How To Sell With Stories
Updated: Jun 17, 2023
Have you ever wondered how exactly do stories sell?
Join me on this episode of the virtual entrepreneur. I am your host Herbert innocent, and this is the go to podcast for entrepreneurs who want to, who see their business as a vehicle for change, but also want to learn how to build a business. I've taken a challenge to learn how successful businesses are built, especially if they're built online and in our past episodes, we've been covering a few things in regards to mindsets and things to consider as you scale and grow your business.
If you didn't get a chance to listen to some of those episodes, pause, go back to that episode, have a good listen to it and when you finish come back, we'll still be here, and if you're looking for the notes to this episode, simply go to her bed marketing that is h e r b e RT marketing With that said, Enough.
In the past we have, we had discussed about the concepts of stories in selling.
And it had been quite,
quite vague, because not many people explain exactly how to sell with stories, they talk about the hero's journey about the bridge, and they understood the bridge creating that bridge that connects the people you want to sell to your prospect, you know, showing them that they're on this side and what they need to do is they need to buy your bridge, so that they can cross over and go that side, where the benefits are, you know, they decide where these pains problems and roadblocks, right.
And they have to buy the bridge to cross over to be on the other side and that is great and everything. But how exactly do stories sell because understanding how story sells helps us create a very powerful structure in the mindset of our ideal prospect, so that we can sell them on, and, and also inspire them to take action.
Now, I've been dedicating my time to studying and understanding exactly how to store itself. Tony Robbins talks about this thing about creating a peak state, a state of mind where everything is better. Right.
The ideal peak state where you, anything is possible essentially a hopeful state and grant talks about the ideal scene.
What do you want in your life, what are the things that you envision having.
Right. And when things happen that are against your ideal scene, you find yourself in a situation where you haven't attained the results you want to attain.
Right. And so, because grant talks about this and you've seen Tony talks about this. I've been studying this and also Russell Brunson talks about this as well.
So when we create stories, stories have a very very strong essential point, and the idea is they increase value, and I had tested this, I created a very powerful irresistible offer, but I made one mistake, that is, I did not have a story to explain the offer. And what I found is, even though it was very attractive and you could see the interest in the prospect, but an offer without a story it simply doesn't sell, it's almost pointless. Right.
Because stories, gives us, or the prospects, the opportunity to change destiny. Right. And without the story and offer without the story right it's completely useless.
Right. And the, in the big idea here is stories sell the stories we tell, they help sell, they help build value, right, but they also help us essentially create that opportunity to change the state.
Right. And there's a particular word that I was looking for but it's not there. And so, when I was studying. When I was learning about this this idea that you know we have false beliefs that we have adapted in life, the things we are told, like, be careful.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Right, you know, money doesn't grow on trees.
Money doesn't buy everything.
Money is the root of all evil.
Right. Save your money. We've been told all these stories we've been told all these things, but have created a chains of false beliefs. We have all these experiences of trying to break away of trying to get our way in life. And these experiences have, you know, had their own shortcoming in whatever area to hear all these stories.
And so, by creating our story, it means that we can talk about this change, explain, you know, walk our prospects through their past experience, and show them and give them a story that, you know, brings them to the new opportunity the new bridge essentially the new, you know, state of mind, that makes them and give them the hope and belief that it's all possible.
It's not a loss. Right, so they're these ideally four stories that we want to tell our prospect if you're selling, especially if you're selling a webinar type of product, and that's what I've been really focusing on, because if you can sell a webinar you can really sell anything. And when you're selling a webinar there's really four stories you want to focus on. Right.
And the first story you want to talk about how we got started, our origin how we got started. And in that first story we want to talk about the change of false beliefs, we want to address those we want to tackle those these are usually expressed as objections.
So when you're selling on the phones, this will be their objections. When I talk to them about their past experiences that they may have. Right, the objection they may have, through their past experience so if you're selling a product and they say, it won't work why I have other several product that they'd never worked.
So this won't work, right, or the stories, they've been telling themselves. It's too expensive or I can't do this. So these, you know, the first the origin story essentially shows them how you could, you did it. And for most people want to tell them how you did it, they're like okay, I can do it too, but just doing that doesn't change, doesn't mean that you can, you, you are done, doesn't mean that your work is complete. There is something else left.
And the thing that is left is, People still have their own doubts, so that they, they're going to doubt your method, or as Russell calls it your vehicle. And I like this idea of your vehicle because if you think of the times when they first introduced the horse.
The horse was the new vehicle, literally, right before going to doubt well, your vehicle, it won't work for me, I know I'm just good at horses I don't know how to operate this machinery, and then they're going to doubt their own internal beliefs, their own capacity, capability, you know, and then they're going to doubt the other external beliefs.
Right, so you're gonna tell the second story that tackles the vehicle. The opportunity that you're presented is going to be met with, you know, it's going to be metric frictions and disbeliefs, or a few doubts and you're not telling second story that addresses the chains where their false beliefs came from. Probably past experience with a similar vehicle or maybe even something.
Any stories that they've told themselves and then create a new opportunity with that.
And then the third story will be addressed their internal self-beliefs.
Then the fourth story we address the external beliefs that they have about this new opportunity. All in all, it seems our goal is essentially to tell a story that creates a new opportunity so that we can create a high peak state of mind. That allows them and gives them the. So, the desire to try a new option, if that makes sense. The desire to try a new opportunity that is in front of them.
So this is the whole idea here. And so as Russell calls it.
If you can tell them this one big thing that if you can just get rid of this big thing, this one opportunity, Then the vehicle that container believes in external beliefs that they've cultivated and adapted over the years, won't be so much as a problem, and then from there we can start, you know, helping them by building up the value of the offer. So why do you want to sell. Why do you want to tell stories. Because stories sell, and they sell the new opportunity. Right.
And the new budget is only attractive because it's being contrasted to our previous opportunities that we may have had.
And that's the whole idea here.
So with that said, Here's a recap of what we want to do with our story, so that we can help our prospect. So you want to make sure that you have a very simple story.
Follow stories that are connected together to sell the first story, our beliefs, how do we get here. Second story. We explaining the opportunity that we are selling the third story we are selling them their own capacity their own self beliefs, their own dreams. And the fourth story we are selling them on external beliefs.
Right. What, what are the external beliefs that they think are preventing them from getting the opportunity and the results and the lives and the dream that they desire. And once we can do that. Then we have essentially convinced them that this new vehicle is the vehicle for them to get the change they've been dreaming about. Then we stuck it up in an offer, and then present that to them. So that's essentially how we go about creating a story in our webinar that sells.
So over the next few episodes we're gonna be using this to test and see how it works, and see how it takes us forward. With that said, thank you so much for tuning in on this episode of the virtual intrapreneur. You can find the notes of this episode at Herbert marketing that is h e r v e r t marketing
Again, thank you so much for tuning in on this episode, I will talk to you in our next episode of virtual entrepreneur. With that said, As always, have a wonderful evening.