How To Find And Hires For Your Small Business
Updated: Jun 17, 2023
Struggling to allocate some of the tasks in your business to other workers or other employees?
join me on this episode of the virtual entrepreneur.
If you're new to this podcast. A very warm welcome.
Today we're going to be talking about how you could go about allocating tasks, and even finding people to do some of the tasks in your work that you don't know how to do or you don't want to do that before we jump into that, this is the go to podcast for entrepreneurs who see their business as a vehicle for change, and on our last episode,
we talked about how you could create content, original content very very fast, so that you could go about being able to continually create content high quality content, but sometimes you want to outsource some of this important part of the business. However, the tricky part becomes when the content you're getting.
This is what you're trying to achieve, doesn't quite match, and it may take quite a lot of work before it matches.
So if you didn't get a chance to listen about the past episode on how to create high-quality content, go back and listen to that episode and then you don't come back, we'll still be here. With that said, if you're curious on how do you go about getting that high-quality client, getting that high quality.
Sorry, high-quality employees or freelancers to do this content for you, without losing on your part. then today's episode I'm going to try my best and cover it. Now, this is lessons from my own personal experiences and experiences that I've seen from other entrepreneurs. And with that said, let's jump into today's lesson which is going to be.
So how do you go about getting those high-quality employees that can do the work you need them to do for you, right, that will do the work the way you want them to do for you. Or maybe it will resonate and speak the message that you are trying to communicate.
So let's first have a look at the things.
So, with that said let's have a look at what exactly are some of the things that you can do to attract those people you want to work with you.
Number one is, if you have a project that you can get that requires a design to match your branding, then it might be worth going for a competition type of hiring and style. What do I mean by this, some virtual platforms like freelancers, allowing allows you to essentially host a competition style of work where you can guarantee one person will win the reward which may be that you buy their work.
And that'll mean that people can submit you can give them feedback and they can refine the design, until you get what you're looking for. And the beauty about this is you can create your brand, and make sure that you're always matching your message, as opposed to just trying to make it all fit together.
So that's one method of going about this, so you could select a project, and some project, you could go about hiring, using a competition style so let's say if you want ads, right, you will find several people who think they're very good add several freelancers, and they can say, Look, I'm going to give you all the three, an ad budget, and X amount of time, and I want to see if you can actually drive traffic to this particular page and then we're going to monitor and the one that can drive the most when you get a long term contract.
And what this means is you can test before you hire because as a small business owner you can't afford to be playing around with money, because at the beginning, you do not have the luxury and that money that you need so you don't have that cushion, as much as you want it you don't have it.
So being able to host competitions, means that you can really get very good top talent, particularly in some fields of design and results-oriented areas where you really want just a result, you can really harness that talent you can we hire for the best talent that the money you have can get you, and even more if you incorporate your vision of what you want to achieve with this business,
or this project by the end because if you find someone who feels that your message resonates with them, they will be willing to do more to sacrifice a little more, a little bit more to work with you, towards the end, right.
So that's one method of hiring which is using competition style to sniff and find someone who you want to work with. Another thing might be using a method of paying for results so you find someone and then you ask them, Hey, I'm only gonna pay if you can give me this result. Now this is not so much competition, but buying a result from someone else. Right. So you agree to work under the basis that they can produce for you the results you want.
And this could be when you hiring a salesperson or this could be when you want them to do something so specific, but you don't necessarily want to hold the competition. Right. And this could build a long-term relationship, especially if they get you where you want it means that they will get more in the getaway, they resort to mean you'll be able to do more and more business with them. So this could also mean that.
Right. And another way it could be, you know you get someone to work but in the end you give them some sense of sweat equity through your business right so they're able to be some kind of a business partner to hold some kind of position, you know, and they're guaranteed salary but at the beginning, they may just be working to get the ball started to get the ball rolling.
Rolling down hills, right. So to build up that momentum. So those are some of the ways that you can reward you know using competition, and then using
using competition and using different paying methods, rather than that you that you're used to seeing in the general corporate world where you just paid for showing up and not necessary for doing all the work that is required to do. I mean you're expected to do all the work but sometimes it's hard to measure.
If you're just paying, if you're just rewarding the presence and the appearance of someone doing something, which is the corporate world does, then you're not really incentivizing for the positive results that you want for example, if you incentivize creativity, right if you're paying for based on the amount of creative ideas that come with, then they're going to try and want to do more to bring a lot more creativity.
A quick short story. There was an experiment of students trying to build portraits and I think so the TED talk, right. And so students want to build a portrait reports, right, we're given a.
They were given an experiment was conducted what the first team.
They were rewarded based on how many pots, they can create versus the other team was one of the best is how many, you know, this is based on the very good finished pot that they could create. And what they found was that the team that produced the most port, ports and ended up, you know, coming up with not just the best ports, but there's produce the most, right, because with practice makes it perfect, with the team that they tried to get perfect in one go,
they spend so much time trying to get it perfect, right, that they never got the first time they tried to make poetry was the only last time close to the deadline, and so the port wasn't perfect, because they studied they look at all these other things, but they did not sit down with machine, trying to sit down and actually just make the poor, you know, make the port thing right. So, for us an entrepreneur these kinds of lessons come with a more your ideal employees do the better they get at the tasks, right.
And so if you can just get people who are, you know, if you're incentivizing those positive results, means that if you're just paying for someone to produce those results. What that means is they will get really good at producing you the result and that means, your money will be an investment as you pay for them, and not just paying for someone to show up, which is a very costly mistake that entrepreneurs can make, especially at the beginning of the journey of the business.
Now with that said, so there are several ways to hire, right, and one way is to hold the contest, or to just hold the project, or to hire our based on the tasks you have, and you want them to complete. So those are the three ways to hire right, you have our you have a project and then you have.
So you hiring a the base, based on time, or you're hiring based on, based on the project that you have. So, you know, a very big task. And then you can hire based on results that you want, right, and the best one of these is hiring based on results, but it depends again on the size of the point and sometimes you want a longer project and so hiring based on the resort may not be feasible and building an app, right. We have tried that and it works, but the best way to go about is hiring based on results in most cases, if you can.
Then the next method becomes, now that you can hire based on result time or based on project. The next thing comes, how do you incentivize positive action, right. And one of the things that I've noticed is sometimes cheaper isn't always best actually most cases, time, most cases,
Cheaper is never the best why, because with cheaper comes, you know, a lot of things becoming negotiated negotiable. Why, because the expected quality goes down, the expected ethics in terms of producing the result goes down, all the high expectations goes out the window because the key focus is price, the incentive on price, right.
And when creating content and you want to outsource. It's better to create the lens through which you want the content creator to use and to filter the message for the, for example, If you're targeting a very specific demographic, then create a persona that you want, you know the content creator to filter all that content through.
And what that'll mean is it shared content is produced, it is filtered through those lands, the language is polished a little bit to match with the expected in the industry and the best thing could be that he also research a little bit of the keywords and key phrases that the people in that market will use.
So that'll be an example of something you can do to filter content and make sure that you're getting consistency in outsourcing, as well as getting very good results. So I wanted to just touch on that day.
On this episode I hope you got some value if you have some questions you can email me, the notes to this episode can be found at Herbet marketing that is h e r v e RT marketing With that said, I'll talk to you on our next episode of the virtual entrepreneur.
And as always, have a wonderful evening.