How To Be visible For Your Target Clients
If you build it they will come.
Well that is not always the case and in the world of today, where there's continual noise that is rarely the case. Unless you are the doctor just outside the village.
And some people know that you are the doctor. Then if you build it they will come doesn't work.
Right. So, I want to welcome you and I want you to join me on this, What the heck am I talking about.
Hello and join me on this podcast of the virtual hello and join me on this episode of the virtual entrepreneur. If you're new to this podcast. Welcome. I am your host, Herbert, innocent, and what this podcast is about. It's about how to click with clients and grow your business without having to work 18 hours a day, or work with clients that make you win a bash or throw your computer against the window. outside the window.
So the theme for this week's episode is fantastic customers, and where to find them. That is the theme for this week. And what happens is, last, the last two days we started that topic, and we've been talking about how to the process we go about finding our ideal customer. So we already know who they are.
And now we know a few things about what we can use to go about getting them, we can identify them in a crowd of a lot of people, and in the world of social media and all this noise online, we know how to identify them. And yesterday we talked about how they can identify us by creating a bio that is designed to attract them to us, to resonate with what they're thinking and what problem they want solved.
We position ourselves as the easy go to, and person in that particular area. And so what today we're gonna look at is positioning yourself as an expert. And what I mean by that is you're going to get one key takeaway from this episode, and that is going to be how to be visible to your target audience, right. And the best way to do that is, as I said, a buyer is essentially an opportunity for you to connect with your ideal client. But in order for you to connect and the first step is we need to find them.
We know that they're in several places that you can find them civil communities online communities that you can find our ideal customers. And these communities, either online or offline. And if your virtual intrapreneur, then your comment is most likely online, right, and they're also social spaces that are ideal clients which either big or small, and it is in these communities that we are going to go and try and bring our ideal clients out to our world where they can use our product to get better results that they want.
And so, that's going to be the focus of today, and as I say this all forums disorder groups is a lot of spaces that we can find our ideal customer, and the goal for today's episode is to position ourselves so that we are able to go and, you know, bring those customers out because you have to remember.
Think of this as a community that is guarded right there's a gatekeeper that controls a community that sets the rule, the rules and the norms for that platform and that is why your ideal clients are able to stay there, they have a specific interest whether it's football, or whether it's fishing, or whether it's knitting, whatever it is that they love doing, they love doing that. But that is the community and space that provides them the positive space to be able to do and talk about what they're passionate about.
Right. And so if you haven't listened to the episode on how to know more about your ideal customer, which was the theme for last week, I wanted to go and listen to those because it's really big, you can see here it's really building up on that right, and we're also building on from yesterday's episode on how to build and position ourselves, our bio as an expert. And then the next thing here is, now that we have identified who our ideal clients is, and we've identified these little communities. We need to able to go there with a value proposition that will allow us to connect and engage with our ideal customers.
Now, this is where it gets a little bit tricky. This is where it gets a little bit challenging for a lot of people I know it got a lot of challenging for me. It took me an entire whole year to be able to confidently do this right, and so this next part is where you start thinking for yourself and what you're really thinking about here is, how do you put yourself in your target hosts or gatekeepers shoes, so that you can create something valuable that when you give them, they'll grant you access into that community, but, but also access to communicate with all the people in that community. Right.
So if it's a Facebook group, what is it that you can do that will allow you, you know, to get all your message out to that community if it's a podcast. It's the same story, and if it's a blog posts, the same story, what can you do that can allow you to go to that bloggers platform, and engage with his or her audience because it's by being able to do this that you'll be able to get your message across to them.
And so, There are several things that we can go about doing here, and I've identified three that I think work really well, that I, I've seen and I've also learned from other people, that these are the ones that are working in the first one is if you have an you're selling something, giving it for free, or giving someone else to review it, or giving someone else to try it. So if it's a book, you can give the host of their own platform to read it and review it for their audience.
That means you're giving them the opportunity to create value for their audience, but also something new for him or her, and this can be the key, the key thing that gives, and that allows them to grant you access. Right, so you are giving them this, in exchange for you, being able to get in front of their audience, right, so you can get your message out to them so you can really, you know, connect with the audience and the best part is, you might even get an introduction which is really really good.
And the next thing that I've also seen is, is the opportunity of partnership. Right, so this could be a collaboration. And what I mean here is, it's a collaboration in exchange, right.
And one example will be, if you take the example of solo ad swaps. That's not really a collaboration but it's a it's a swap, it's an equal swap.
Or if you take an example of if you're content creators, you could serve content, or if you are.
And when I say collaboration here. What I mean is, if there's a way for both of you to benefit regardless of the difference of platforms you both use if you have your own platform, or even if you don't, and one way of doing that I've seen is so guest posting is one of them. Or another way is creating something so valuable that, you know, When you give it to them they can use in, you build relationships, upon that. So, opening doors.
I'm trying to think of a specific example that I heard earlier, and I can, the only example I can really think of is, essentially, swapping. That's the closest one I can remember right now. And, you know, swapping just means. What I mean by that is that you know you have an email list, and your audience has an email list. That will be one way of swapping you don't swap your list, but you are communicating with the audience, exchanging the messages, right, giving each other introduction, and opening those opportunities. Right. Oh, that's the one common one that I've seen. And another one that seems to work is, as I mentioned is similar to guest posting, but in this case is if you have your own platform.
This really gives you a very special access, because now what it means is, other people can also request to be on your platform, right, and it's a very very different perspective than if you had, you know, just anything else that is different, like a book, and you just give them to read. The difference here is that with the other thing, it's a product to me, the value may not be as highly perceived, for example, creation of content for content creator, you're giving them new content, it's just, it's value is worth how much of their time, maybe 30 minutes 40 minutes, depending on how long they spend creating content, right.
So, whereas if you're giving them access to something that you have like a platform, or, you know your channel, then what that means is that you are giving them much bigger access because when you publish content there, the perceived value is high as, even in the future, they will continue to get, you know, more and more engagement, and that is an investment, as opposed to creating content once that is also an investment, but they could have easily done that themselves right. So the key here is to create or to have something that you can exchange. In order to get what you want, right, to create a win win situation. And from what I am seeing platforms are performing better.
Right, so having a presence, creating a leadership, or an expertise, positioning yourself as a leader in a platform is a really really beneficial way of putting yourself in a place where when you need more audience, you can get them, because you have something that you can exchange for now I hope that is clear but it's not always the simplest, and one way of getting to start with a platform is, I heard DJ Sabanci talk about this, and I also heard other mentors talk about this Barry's going to a platform that you're very comfortable with, and start publishing on that platform.
And by comfortable with a just mean a platform that you are much more natural, at, you know, publishing, for example, some people are very good at writing. I am not one of those people. I have heard my colleagues tell me, I write like I talk, and I really never saw the problem about that, that's how I talk. Why should I write any differently. Apparently some people write differently than the way they talk. And hooray, I am not one of them.
I am not very good at YouTube, and videos because I just don't like spending time editing, it's not my favourite activity. I was a videographer, but I did not enjoy editing, for the sake of publication is just, it's not my favourite thing, and then there is also the idea of posting post on social media channels like Instagram, Pinterest, and the other one, the blue and the Facebook that one right. There's all these little bird.
Teeter, so these all these other platforms that you can create engagement on but one thing I know for myself, I'm not good at those either. They stress me out.
And so, but one thing I enjoy is I enjoy sharing my message with you, creating content for podcasts and telling you what I am thinking, sharing with you my thoughts. I enjoy that. And that is one thing that you might be different you might enjoy writing you might find writing is more calming and easier, you could just sit down, crunching the keyboard, I had a friend who could type while they're looking at me, or looking at someone else. And I thought that was wow, I gave a very terrible person at typing.
I am slow but I get it done but I am not the fastest typer.
But I have written a book, so I'm not going to dismiss everything I have written a book. So what I'm trying to say here is there are platforms that we can do stuff on, but they are not to our natural strength. Right. And so it's about finding your platform that you shine on so if it's Facebook, then go there and do the lives, the Facebook Lives and then create those posts and get really good at building that following and then you can always move to the other platforms later on when you can leverage the power of outsourcing because the goal is not work 18 hours a day. The goal is to just do the sufficient work, and the rest can be automated.
Alright, so, starting with the platform that you feel natural, so if you're very good at. If you feel presentable at all times you can do a video and you feel confident, then jump at that if you feel confident at podcasting then jump at that, and then by creating this platform, It's perceived value is really high, to the people whom you want to later on, engage with you and talk to their audience about you. Right. And so, that is the one way, I've seen as being recommended as an important method of attracting new.
Sorry, positioning yourself as a leader in your field. Right. And so that is what I am seeing, and that is what I'm seeing working and that and that is also what I'm experiencing as working. Remember we are building a business. And I'm doing it with you. This is not me talking about doing any action, everything I tell you, I've tested. I'm using it most likely, right, some of the forms, we've talked about I've tested them, and I've seen them work, and I'm also using them. So encourage you to take the coat action for today, which is to possess that positioning yourself as an expert by creating that, you know, position of authority and knowledge and the way you do that is essentially to start preparing yourself to become,
to put yourself in a position where you're able to share more of what you've learned and more of what you know. And one thing that I've learned that I'm going to share very very quickly before we end the episode here is this under the, there are three ways that you can show you can share your message because at times it's very scary when it comes to. Okay so I positioned myself as a leader but I don't feel like I'm a leader in this field. You know I feel like I'm learning. And one thing I've learned is, I've learned this from my photography but I was, but I've also heard some men, some of the mentors that had said, which is, you can either be a student of the subject, and learn it, and share what you're learning, which is what I'm doing.
Or you can be someone who is investigating and reporting what you're seeing. I think I'm doing both of those, or you can record it from the point of view of what you know as an expert, right. And those are the three standards you can take, and all of those ultimately leads to you being the expert right to you being the authority figure, right, because the goal is to create that authority figure that out, because that command.
A different type of engagement, but also a different level of access to the resources that we need to continue building our business. At one point, the resources that we have are not enough anymore. Right. At one point we need to scale up to continue growing.
Right. You know if you plant a seed in a port, it grows really well at the start, safe from the environmental factors wildlife and although it's safe, it grows, but at one point. At one point, they see the plant in the port at grows, the port. Right. And so it has to be placed outside, so it can grow, and that is the goal of this, right. So, I'm gonna thank you for joining me on this episode of the virtual entrepreneur.
I hope you enjoyed this episode and if you did, subscribe for more whatever on whatever channel that you're listening this podcast on, and the notes for this episode, can be found at virtual enterpreneurs Yes, you heard the right virtual entrepreneurs and the call to action, As I said, is start positioning yourself as an expert, and this will pay off later. Right. There's a saying that says, My mother likes using this phrase which says, Make hay while the sun shines, and I think she read it somewhere.
And this phrase, literally is what we are doing today which is, you are starting to dig your well before you're thirsty, right, you are starting to plant your crops, before you are hungry, right, because when you're hungry and you really need to drive those traffic, you really do want to be in a position where you can just go and harvest what you you rip off, you know harvest what had been growing. So that's the call to action start positioning yourself as an expert and the best way to do this is publish what you're doing.
Now it feels weird telling you to do this but it works in a way, people enjoy content we are always wanting to grow so there is nothing wrong with that. We always want to learn. And we learn differently each one of us. So that's that. That's the call to action, thank you again for tuning in on this episode of the virtual entrepreneur.
I hope you enjoy that and I will talk to you on our next episode of the virtual entrepreneur.
And as always, have a very wonderful evening.